Toy shopping cart on laptop keyboard symbolizes online shopping

For some people, shopping is a fun pastime. For others, it’s simply a necessity. Whichever camp you belong to, the internet has become an indispensable tool. The vast array of products and ease of access has quickly ballooned the ecommerce industry.

So what does this do to the supply chain? In some cases, it cuts out a middleman – brick and mortar stores. Larger business can ship from warehouses right to their customers. For smaller businesses and boutiques, it offers an opportunity to access customers who are not in the immediate vicinity. They will have to add a step to their process in order to ship their product out, but it could be worth it in the long run.

Either way, ecommerce has made a huge impact on many businesses in the last few years. To better understand this phenomenon, here is an infographic we created about ecommerce.

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